Saturday, October 15, 2011

$%&^ you, weight gain.

So, from what I hear, most people with FM tend to be chunky. I am convinced half of this is an excuse-we feel like crap, therefore don't exercise, wash, rinse, repeat. Basically, FM leads to the sneaky hate spiral of weight gain. Also, feeling ill=carbloading. Or sugar binging. Pick your poison.

When I started this blog, I weighed about 110. Right now? About 135, maybe MORE. No excuse for the sheer volume of gluten-free desserts consumed to gain 25 lbs in just over a year or so. Let's also give a shout out to our friends, the Cheetos. They certainly had a supporting role in this fiasco, and for that, I'd like to give them the lifetime achievement award for staining my fingers orange.

As much as I'd like to blame FM for my fat rolls, it's too easy. Yes, I'm tired. Yes, I'm cranky. I don't have a choice about the pain and fatigue. But I *do* have a choice as to how I react, and what I do and consume each day. Unlike many with FM, I don't have depression. So why the sloth? I'm lazy. Seriously lazy. It's not that hard to go to the gym a few blocks away, or even use the one in my building.

For the next year, my goal is to lose the weight I've gained-at least 15-20 pounds of it. I think that's more than easy over the course of a year.

Also, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than buying a new wardrobe, no?