Saturday, August 7, 2010

F You, Fibromyalgia.

Yes, I'm starting another blog, to go along with my food-intolerance blogging spree. This one is focusing on the joys of living with Fibromyalgia (not!)

I'm figuring down the line, I'll drag in a few more people, and have another bloglomerate, so we'll have steadier updates and kvetching, along with news that we find.

Reasons Why I say &%*( You, Fibromyalgia:

1. People assume it's a made up illness, because, you know, it's FUN to pretend to HURT ALL THE DAMN TIME.
2. The symptoms are totally contradictory. Yes, I'm fatigued, but I CAN'T SLEEP.
3. It makes you develop bizarre allergies to things like apricots and lanolin. Which means you can't wear makeup. Or pants.
4. All the drugs used to treat it are depression drugs. See #1. Because, you know, it's all in your head, and if we make you fat, stupid, and tired, you won't care about the pain, because, well, you'll just hate life.
5. When you try to explain it, people get that look in their eye, and SLOOOOOOWLY back away, because they might catch the crazy.
6. Everyone manifests differently, so, you know, they can't really research it very well.
7. Most of the people who have it are LADIES. So, they don't WANT TO RESEARCH IT.
8. Have I mentioned I'm allergic to my PANTS?
9. Many people who have it seem to cry often, and nothing inspires confidence like randomly crying ladies. or men, for that matter.
10. All of us LOOK fine, so it's VERY SCARY for everyone else. How can you be sick when you look so healthy?

So yeah, those are some of the reasons why I raise my glass, and say, %*&$ you, Fibromyalgia.

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